What is Leadership… Leadership is the art of bringing out the best and highest potential in those that we guide, mentor, coach, and direct through compassion and inspiration. There are literally thousands and thousands of resources for developing leadership. Management books, personal development tapes, seminars, organizational programs, e-books, online courses… the list goes on and on. Here at Wiser Everyday…

Why Mindfulness… Mindfulness provides a simple but powerful route for getting ourselves unstuck, back into touch with our won wisdom and vitality. It is a way to take charge of the direction and quality of our own lives, including our relationships with the family, our relationship to work and to the larger world and planet, and most fundamentally, our relationship with…

A personal vision becomes clear on the backdrop of a calm and quiet mind… just as a reflection becomes clear on a still pond. Wiser Everyday provides simple tools, techniques, and instruction for calming the mind and opening up the creativity that abounds in all of us. Indigenous ancient wisdom is the foundation for this practice in the modern world. Please…

Non-Profit Board Development Programs
Give us a call or drop us an email… and, please come back soon for our Non-Profit Board Development program descriptions…

Leadership Programs
Please come back soon for complete descriptions of our Leadership Development programs…

Mindfulness Programs
Mindfulness in work and life requires some practice and sometimes some props… included below is a tool, The Wiser Way, that we use in our workshops and personal coaching sessions. If you have recently attended one of our workshops, we invite you to continue your journey into the calm and clarity of the present moment – download this image and post…

Emotional Intelligence Programs
Daniel Coleman, one of the founding leaders in Emotional Intelligence, indicates that business leaders and outstanding performers are not defined by their IQs or even their job skills, but by their “emotional intelligence” or EQ. EQ addresses aspects of awareness and management in self and in social life… EQ is a set of competencies that distinguishes how people manage feelings,…

Personal Visioning Programs
Please come back soon for complete descriptions of our Personal Visioning programs and offerings…

Meditation programs and instruction are simple and applicable to anyone – regardless of philosophy, religion, spiritual path, or personal beliefs. Meditation is a tool. Meditation practice can be tailored to community and individual needs… although we have a unique focus on integrating elements of Zen and the original and indigenous practices of First Nation tribes of North America. The practices…
Why we do what we do...
Wiser Everyday is passionate about developing leadership abilities through personal introspection and mindfulness practices. The core of our work is to develop the wisdom and ability to find the space to observe a situation and deliver a response. We seek to inspire people to recognize their inherent clarity and confidence, make decisions in their day to day work, and move fluidly into leadership. We provide programming for individuals and groups who are ready to step up into positions of leadership in our communities, our corporations and our non-profits. Many of the people we work with are women, Native Americans, and non-Profit volunteers; many of whom are interested in social change. All are interested in understanding how they can become resonant and resilient leaders.